Process and Save Task

The Process and Save task appears in the Added task list by default. This is the task that saves a copy of the report on the server where MAPS is installed; therefore, it must be included in the task list in order to generate output from a scheduled report.

Editing this task allows you to configure various options regarding the output format and the names of the variables used to store the file name and extension.

Process Options dialog with a dropdown for the output type and input boxes for the filename and file extension variable names.

Output Format: Select the desired output format. The output format also determines the default file extension that will be used, although you can choose to customize this in the FTP, Email, and Copy tasks.

The available output formats differ depending on the report type:

File name: This variable stores the name of the output file. You can use the variable as part of other tasks by typing %%ProcessFileName%%. To change the variable name, edit it here.

File extension: This variable stores the default file extension, determined by the report type and the selected output format. You can use the variable as part of other tasks by typing %%ProcessFileExt%%. To change the variable name, edit it here.

PDF Options

The available output formats include print, PDF, XLS, RTF, and plain text. If you select PDF format, you can specify additional PDF Options.


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